Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Tip-Off: Welcome!

For a while now, I have been saying to myself..."Mike, create a blog about something that you are REALLY passionate about."  I've been putting this off for three and a half years, and I think it's time to get off of my lazy ass and find time between classes, homework, and my internship to write about my first love: sports.  Like millions of you sports freaks out there, a lot of my time and energy revolves around this form of entertainment.  I follow basically every sport and have an overly problematic obsession with fantasy sports (which causes me a lot of pleasure, with a similar amount of pain).  Now I know that there are tons of blogs out there that discuss the daily sporting headlines but I would definitely like to get my 2 (maybe even 3) cents out in the overly saturated cyber world.  So this blog will cover anything and everything sports related.  From something as simple as a single basketball game to fantasy sports, all the way to poker, and everything in between, I'm going to write about what I feel like on that day.  So I encourage you readers (if I have any), please leave any comments that you may have and definitely feel free to debate or discuss anything that you agree/disagree with.  Have fun with it.

Lamar was pissed that I was a Celts fan

"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
-Michael Jordan

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